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Wool promotes a better night’s sleep

Wool sleepwear and bedding have been shown to improve sleep quality. 

Wearing wool sleepwear improves sleep quality

The latest study conducted by researchers at The University of Sydney has found adults wearing wool  sleepwear fell asleep in just 12 minutes compared with 22 and 27 minutes for those wearing polyester and cotton.

“Wool helps regulate your body temperature, keeping you in what is known as 'the thermal comfort zone' for longer,” explains Associate Professor Chin Moi Chow from The University of Sydney. “You therefore not only fall asleep quicker, but also have deeper, less fragmented sleep.”

The study found these benefits were most relevant to older and poorer sleepers.



The effect of sleepwear and bedding on sleep at ambient temperatures

An earlier study, also conducted by The University of Sydney researched the effects of sleepwear fibre type and bedding on sleep at ambient temperatures of 17°C and 22°C.

Seventeen healthy young adults underwent 9 nights of polysomnography testing and found the time it took to fall asleep was significantly shortened when sleeping in superfine Merino wool, with trends of increased total sleep time and sleep efficiency compared to cotton sleepwear.

The group fell asleep faster on average when wearing Merino wool, taking 11 minutes whereas it took 15 minutes on average in cotton,. The research paper was published in the journal Nature and Science of Sleep (2016).



Merino wool bedding products officially recognised as asthma & allergy friendly®

The international certification body Allergy Standards Limited (ASL) has officially recognised bedding products made from Merino wool as asthma & allergy friendly®.

The development of the new certification standard (ASP: 02-25/101) was supported by peer-reviewed scientific papers and consultation with subject matter experts in the field of asthma and allergies.

The new asthma & allergy friendly® Certification Addendum for bedding containing Merino wool (ASP:02-25/101) was approved by the ASL Scientific Committee, reviewed by an independent panel of medical experts in the field of asthma and allergies and is now available for bedding manufacturers to test their products against and become certified.




Wool is biodegradable

When wool is disposed of, it will naturally decompose in soil in a matter of months or years, slowly releasing valuable nutrients back into the earth.
14 8 2018

울은 통기성을 지닌 천연섬유입니다.

14 8 2018
울은 통기성을 지닌 천연섬유입니다. 다량의 습기를 흡수하여 증발시키는 울의 특성 때문에 울 섬유로 만든 의류는 몸에 달라붙지 않고 편안한 착용감을 느낄 수 있게 해줍니다.
16 11 2016

울이 알레르기를 일으킨다는 미신을 뒤집다

16 11 2016
나는 울 알레르기가 있는 걸까? 대답은 ‘아니요’입니다. 최근 의학 연구에 따르면 현재까지의 증거는 울이 알레르기 항원이라는 개념을 뒷받침하지 못하고 있습니다.

Wool is naturally odour resistant

Wool garments and textiles are naturally odour resistant due to the fibre’s unique properties and chemical structure.